Tuesday, August 7, 2007


You bet he is, Senator Clinton. Senator Barack H. Obama had a rough week. First, he realized that he has limited foreign policy experience. Then, he realized that he actually doesn't have any foreign policy experience. He's just been a lawyer and served in elected office for the State of Illinois voting on budgets and working on Committees and (hopefully) being responsive to that state's citizens. And only a couple of years in the U.S. Senate voting on national issues and hearing the concerns of constituents. It hurts when you realize you are only there because of somebody else's coattails, doesn't it Senator? And by coattails, I of course mean Oprah. At any rate, Senator Obama realized he needed foreign policy experience fast, so he took the fastest D.C. to it... he gave a speech. And in that speech, Obama says he wants to invade Pakistan. Well, not really all of Pakistan, he just wants to go into northwestern Pakistan. But Pakistan President Musharraf is our ally in the war on terrorism. His airspace is necessary and so far he's let us through despite a whole terrorist population he's trying to keep clamped down. Is this how Senator Obama treats his friends? Oh yeah, I guess there is that whole Tony Rezko affair. T.R. has been one of Senator Obama's biggest contributors, but was later indicted in a political corruption probe (unrelated to Obama), in transactions related to the purchase of Obama's $1.65 million home. Keep your enemies close and invade your friends... very Barackavallian of him.

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