Friday, August 10, 2007


The Hillar-- er, sorry, Human Rights Campaign had a debate yesterday. A forum. It was actually pretty well staged because it gave 15 minutes to each of the candidates who showed up, and they talked and they answered questions from a panel. Let me throw in here that only Democrats showed up to the HRC forum. Why? Because only the Democrats can win. I mean, name me a Republican who can possibly beat any of our candidates. You can't. Any of them. Nope.

So here's how it went when America's Senator sat down with music star Melissa Etheridge:

ETHERIDGE: I remember when your husband was elected president, I actually came out publicly during his inaugural week. It was a very hopeful time for the gay community. For the first time we were being recognized as American citizens. It was wonderful. We were very, very hopeful -- and in the years that followed, our hearts were broken. We were thrown under the bus. We were pushed aside. All those great promises that were made to us, were broken. A year from now, are we going to be left behind like we were before?

SEN. CLINTON: Well, you know, obviously, Melissa, I don't see it quite the way that you describe, but I respect your feeling about it. I think that we certainly didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but I believe that there was, uhh, a lot of honest effort going on by the president, the vice president and the rest of us who were trying to keep the, uh, the momentum going.

ETHERIDGE: Why not be the leader now?

SEN. CLINTON: Well, I think... I think I am a... I -- I think I am a leader now. If I were sitting where you're sitting with all you have...gone through in the last 14 years, ummm, I'm sure I would feel exactly the same way, because, you know, not only did you bravely come out, but you've had health challenges and so much else, and so time can't go by slowly. You want things to move as quickly as possible, which I... you know, understand and, um, wish could happen as well.

And now to quote Rush Limbaugh - EVEN RUSH LIMBAUGH GIVES PROPER CREDIT TO OUR CANDIDATE ON THIS! - "Whew! Man, that was bold, folks! That was just bold. That is Mrs. Clinton at her boldest best, wasn't it?" See, she's not there to back down or to pander to this large donor base. She tells it like it is. That's what she's always done all her life while serving the public trust. And she'll be the same Hillary in the White House when she's our first-female President, when America's Senator becomes America's President. HRC!

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