Monday, April 28, 2008

Preach On Brother.

Barry's having serious problems after failing to seal the deal in Pennsylvania. Or maybe I should say "Losing by double digits." Attention super-delegates! It doesn't matter who wins the rest of these races... YOU must decide who will be our standard bearer.

Do you want a multi-term Senator with a known track record who's already had everything thrown at her that the Republicans could ever come up with?

Or do you want this unknown, empty vessel of a politician? The guy whose campaign speeches are merely whispering sweet nothings into voters' ears? Fainters aside. (In fact, maybe the fainters were the people who figured him out and had their world so shaken that they switched off.) "Can we get some water over here? She seems to have fainted." How phony did all that seem? So obvious, but people continue to fall for it.

And how about this hate monger preacher that seems to be fastened at the hip of the transcendent candidate? Looks a little phony, huh? You super-delegates think there's nothing left to be found out about Mr. Obama?All those Hawai'i connections? All those Chicago political connections?

And what about the Weathermen? He's buddies with guys who set bombs in New York, D.C, our own nation's capitol building for crying out loud. And Obama's friend the terrorist said in the newspaper that he didn't believe he went far enough! And what day did that story with that quote get published in New York? September 11th 2001!

Super-delegates, this guy is bad for our Party! Now YOU must live up to your name, and save our Party!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Barry's at it again

He's sent this ridiculous email to supporters. When you read it, just in your head repeat this line: "Because you're a bitter, America-hating, self-promoter who believes his own hype!"

Dear Friend,
In the last 24 hours we saw renewed attacks from Senator McCain and Senator Clinton.
The same John McCain who voted to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest few said I was "out of touch" when I spoke about the frustrations that working people in this country are feeling.
Maybe that's to be expected from John McCain. But I was disappointed to hear the exact same talking points from my Democratic colleague, Hillary Clinton. When a candidate who believes lobbyists represent "real people" says that I'm out of touch, that's when you know politics is being played.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Here's Where the Next Attacks Are Coming From

Obviousley the word is out among the Husseinaphiles that the only way to make Barry look like the "man" in this primary fight is to attack our soldiers. Below is an ad I found for an Obama ad being shot right here in Austin - it seems as though the first-term Senator's campaign is turning against the work ethic and the abilities of our brave soldiers, sailors, air force, and marines. Here you go:

UT-Austin student filmmaker casting for Obama adPosted: April 4, 2008
UT-Austin student looking for 2 middle age actors, one male, one female to play a role as a solider and the other a widow. Also looking for a younger actress or actor around the ages of 5-10 who can play the widows child. This is for an Obama ad and will involve limited or no talking at all. Food and drinks will be provided. Day of shooting will be the weekend of 11-13. Please e-mail me at you.Brian KalehThe University of Texas at AustinTSTV Productions Director
Contact: Brian Kaleh

Monday, April 7, 2008

Torch Song

The violent clashes in Tibet and the failure of the Chinese government to use its full leverage with Sudan to stop the genocide in Darfur are opportunities for Presidential leadership. These events underscore why I believe the Bush administration has been wrong to downplay human rights in its policy towards China. At this time, and in light of recent events, I believe President Bush should not plan on attending the opening ceremonies in Beijing, absent major changes by the Chinese government.I encourage the Chinese to take advantage of this moment as an opportunity to live up to universal human aspirations of respect for human rights and unity, ideals that the Olympic games have come to represent. Americans will stand strong in support of freedom of religious and political expression and human rights. Americans will also stand strong and root for the success of American athletes who have worked hard and earned the right to compete in the Olympic Games of 2008.

- Hillary

EXCLUSIVE -- by Drudge

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Makes sense to me. I mean, just look at how eerily similar the pics are.

Clinton compares herself to 'Rocky'
4/1/2008, 11:07 p.m. EDT
By BETH FOUHY The Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Perhaps the analogy was inevitable: Hillary Rodham Clinton as Rocky Balboa, the scrappy underdog boxer from Philadelphia memorably depicted in the 1976 Oscar-winning film. Even if Rocky did lose his first big fight.
Addressing a meeting of the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Tuesday, the former first lady and New York senator said she, like Rocky, wasn't a quitter.
Recalling a famous scene on the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Clinton said to end her presidential campaign now would be as if "Rocky Balboa had gotten halfway up those art museum steps and said, 'Well, I guess that's about far enough.'"