Friday, August 22, 2008

Inside Baseball

We have friends:

"The majority of our contacts/voters are low propensity voters. Your propensity to vote is determined by looking at the last 4 statewide elections. (2 most recent statewide General Elections and 2 most recent statewide Primary Elections). Depending on which ones you voted in you would be given a score of [(1/4)-voted in 1 of the 4 above-mentioned elections----(4/4)-voted in all 4 of the above-mentioned elections]. The 4/4 dont need our encouragement to go out and vote and are probably old and arent going to be swayed by our pitch anyway so we dont focus on them. The 3/4 will get a little attention as they may be people who voted because of our previous encouragement/harassment. The 1/4 and 2/4 are where we focus 80-90% of our efforts. They tend to be young and we've hoped that we can increase our vote totals among this group by about 60+%. But that's not happening. The thing is, these people also tend to be more moderate (and you would think more inclined to vote dem this year given the current political environment), but it's just not registering. They become un-connected to our messenger. It seems the more they learn about him, the more same/stagnant/typical politician he becomes. It's gonna be a long fall.

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