Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Cheaters Never Win(frey)

Amid all the questions of breaking campaign laws in Connecticutt by Chelsea Clinton, who was simply delivering coffee and donuts to the folks at the polling place, I've dug up at least one violation for The Naive One. First, some background: apparently in Connecticutt candidates or a candidate's representative have to stay 75-feet away from polling places "on the day of any primary."

When Rachel Waymire got to her Chicago precinct this morning to vote, she was told that she wouldn't be able vote because only one of five election judges was present.

When Winfrey, who happened to be at the next-door precinct, heard about the problem, the talk show queen and Barack Obama supporter told Waymire she would stay with her until she was allowed to cast her ballot.
"She just kind of stood there and then as soon as I got to vote she left and she said, 'I'll call you later to make sure that you voted.' And probably about an hour later I was sitting at my desk and she called my cell phone," Waymire told WLS, adding that she voted for Obama.

And the end of the story in Chelsea's Connecticutt? All is right with the world...

In a live interview on News Channel 8 at 5:00, Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz said, "I did speak with the Clinton campaign this afternoon and they apologized and said it wouldn't happen again."

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