Thursday, February 28, 2008
C'mon America, It's in the Bag... So Let's Dance With the Girl That Brought Us
And by 'in the bag' I mean that there's no way, after 8 years of Bush/Cheney/Oil Barons that the media in this country is not gonna come out full force in a very constructive manner to make sure that John McCain or any other Republican will be the last (wo)man standing when the dust clears in this election.
You read about Hillary's soon-to-be-opponent recently in the New York Times. You know the one, he apparently cheated on his wife with a high-powered lobbyist in D.C. But did you notice anything peculiar about that story? I noticed that the two unnamed "former staffers" quoted in the story really made no such accusations... just admitted to amorphous concerns amongst the staff.
My point is that the old grey lady, the grand dame of the mainstream media is in the tank for our side this year. They won't let anybody but a D win. Still don't believe me? Take a look at the point of this story from yesterday by Carl Hulse...
McCain’s Canal Zone Birth Prompts Queries About Whether That Rules Him Out
WASHINGTON — The question has nagged at the parents of Americans born outside the continental United States for generations: Dare their children aspire to grow up and become president? In the case of Senator John McCain of Arizona, the issue is becoming more than a matter of parental daydreaming.
Mr. McCain’s likely nomination as the Republican candidate for president and the happenstance of his birth in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936 are reviving a musty debate that has surfaced periodically since the founders first set quill to parchment and declared that only a “natural-born citizen” can hold the nation’s highest office.
Almost since those words were written in 1787 with scant explanation, their precise meaning has been the stuff of confusion, law school review articles, whisper campaigns and civics class debates over whether only those delivered on American soil can be truly natural born. To date, no American to take the presidential oath has had an official birthplace outside the 50 states.
“There are powerful arguments that Senator McCain or anyone else in this position is constitutionally qualified, but there is certainly no precedent,” said Sarah H. Duggin, an associate professor of law at Catholic University who has studied the issue extensively. “It is not a slam-dunk situation.”
Mr. McCain was born on a military installation in the Canal Zone, where his mother and father, a Navy officer, were stationed. His campaign advisers say they are comfortable that Mr. McCain meets the requirement and note that the question was researched for his first presidential bid in 1999 and reviewed again this time around.
But given mounting interest, the campaign recently asked Theodore B. Olson, a former solicitor general now advising Mr. McCain, to prepare a detailed legal analysis. “I don’t have much doubt about it,” said Mr. Olson, who added, though, that he still needed to finish his research.
More Good News For Our Girl!
By STEPHEN OHLEMACHER, Associated Press Writer Wed Feb 27, 5:24 PM ET
WASHINGTON - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's half delegate has a new friend — one of equal stature no less.
Explain no more. Clinton picked up a half superdelegate on Wednesday, increasing her overall total to 1,277.
The anomaly happened because the Democrats Abroad will send 22 delegates to the Democratic National Convention, each with a half vote. The system is designed to enable the group to send more people to the convention, without inflating its voting power.
Women know he's riding her coattails
February 28, 2008 8:44 PM
In an interview with ABC News' Cynthia McFadden to air on this evening's "Nightline," Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., says it's tougher for her to run as a woman than it is for her male opponent.
Asked why she thinks so many women may be feeling sorry for her, Clinton said, "I think a lot of women project their own feelings and their lives onto me, and they see how hard this is. It's hard. It's hard being a woman out there. It is obviously challenging with some of the things that are said that are not even personal to me so much as they are about women.
"And I think women just sort of shake their head," Clinton continued. "My friends do. They say, 'Oh, my gosh, this is so hard.' Well, it's supposed to be hard. I'm running for the hardest job in the world. No one has ever done this. No woman has ever won a presidential primary before I won New Hampshire. This is hard. And I don't expect any sympathy, I don't expect any kind of, you know, allowances or special privileges, because I knew what I was getting myself into.
"Every so often I just wish that it were a little more of an even playing field," she said, "but, you know, I play on whatever field is out there."
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Senator Obama's Lofty (Whiny) Rhetoric
By now you've seen the pictures. (Or maybe you've just seen one. My buddy J was the first one to alert me to them.) "Sweet" Senator H. Obama was on a fact-finding mission in North Africa and was offered to try on the traditional garb of a Somali warlord, or whatever. Okay, maybe not one of the warlords that took down our Blackhawks and hung Americans from a bridge, you'd be right to correct me there. He wasn't befriending any of those particular Somalis who kill Christians or use child soldiers against neighboring towns and villages. So I take back any quip about the warlord - he was definitely NOT wearing the clothes of a brutal Somali warlord, just a regular, everyday Somali.
So anyway, it's neat that our freshmen Senators get to experience little trips to foreign lands, I'm not against it. I can just see his eyes getting really big and his mouth trying to say "Wow!" as he looks around at landscapes he's only seen in adventure films. And one of the perks is often to put on the customary clothing of the people. Which he did. And guess what, people take pictures. Constituents like to see that you're becoming worldly, taking trips, seeing sights, and meeting people - all things that they will only ever dream of - and all on their dime. So they at least deserve to see pictures.
But I guess Senator Barack H. Obama doesn't want his picture taken for the folks back home. It's a fair conclusion since he's spent all of the past two days whining about how unfair it is for people to see his picture on a junket, acting completely wounded and ashamed. But my question is: why whine? Why not tell it like is; wouldn't that be a new tone for Washington? Do we really want a whiny President, unable to make a cogent point when he's questioned? He just turns into a stammering name-caller. He throws out words like "shameful" and "negative" and "sad" as though that's going to stop Osama or Ahmadinejad. Instead, he needs to take pride in himself and his actions there in that foreign land, the land of his father. Take pride in giving all those people hope. Matter of fact, just how is Somalia doing today? How about Kenya and Chad and Darfur? I mean, Senator Obama visited the region in 2006 - two years ago, that's half a president's term in office... shouldn't they be running full steam ahead on all that hope by now?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Listen to the rhetoric of Barack Obama ...
Gerard Baker
For most ordinary Americans, those not encumbered with an expensive education or infected by prolonged exposure to cosmopolitan heterodoxy, patriotism is a consequence of birth.
Their chests swell with pride every time they hear the national anthem at sporting events. They fill up with understandable emotion whenever they see a report on television about the tragic heroics of some soldier or Marine who gave his life in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Foreigners don't have to like America - and they've certainly exercised that freedom in the past few years. But most Americans can distinguish between the transience of policy failure and the But not, apparently, Michelle Obama, wife of the man who is now the putative Democratic candidate for US president, and at this point favourite to succeed to that job. In what might be the most revealing statement made by any political figure so far in this campaign season, Mrs Obama caused a stir this week. She said that the success of her husband Barack's campaign had marked the first time in her adult life that she had felt pride in her country.
And surely even critics of the US could scarcely deny that there have been real causes for American pride in the past 25 years: the fall of the Berlin Wall; the victory in the first Gulf War in 1991; the nation's unity in grief and resolve after September 11. Heck, I suspect most Americans got a small buzz of patriotic pride this week when they heard that one of their multimillion-dollar missiles had shot a dead but dangerous satellite travelling at 17,000 miles per hour out of the sky so that it fell harmlessly to Earth.
Now, to be fair to Mrs Obama, she would surely have a point if she had said that it was a source of incomparable pride to her and all African-Americans that in a country with a long and baleful history of racial discrimination, one of their own was within serious range of becoming president. All but the most irredeemably racist Americans would surely agree with that.
But that was not what she said. She said this was the only time in her adult life that she had felt pride in America.
It was instructive for two reasons. First, it reinforced the growing sense of unease that even some Obama supporters have felt about the increasingly messianic nature of the candidate's campaign. There's always been a Second Coming quality about Mr Obama's rhetoric. The claim that his electoral successes in places like Nebraska and Wisconsin might transcend all that America has achieved in its history can only add to that worry.
Secondly, and more importantly, I suspect it reveals much about what the Obama family really thinks about the kind of nation that America is. Mrs Obama is surely not alone in thinking not very much about what America has been or done in the past quarter century or more. In fact, it is a trope of the left wing of the Democratic party that America has been a pretty wretched sort of place.
There is a caste of left-wing Americans who wish essentially and in all honesty that their country was much more like France. They wish it had much higher levels of taxation and government intervention, that it had much higher levels of welfare, that it did not have such a “militaristic” approach to foreign policy. Above all, that its national goals were dictated, not by the dreadful halfwits who inhabit godforsaken places like Kansas and Mississippi, but by the counsels of the United Nations.
Though Mr Obama has done a good job, as all recent serious Democrats have done, of emphasising his belief in American virtues, his record and his programme suggest he is firmly in line with this wing of his party.
This, I think, not his inexperience in public office, is the principal threat to Mr Obama's campaign. His increasingly desperate opponent, Hillary Clinton, keeps hammering away that his message is all talk and no substance - and she was joined this week by Mr Obama's likely Republican opponent in the November general election, John McCain.
But if you listen to Mr Obama's speeches, it is not the lack of substance but the quality of it that ought to worry Americans. His victory speech after his latest primary win in Wisconsin this week was a case in point.
There was no shortage of proposals. He plans large increases in government spending on health and education. He wants to tax the rich more to pay for it. He is against companies using the opportunities of free markets to restructure their operations in the US. He is vehemently protectionist. He continues to insist, despite the growing evidence that this left-wing nostrum would be lunacy, that the US must pull its troops out of Iraq with the utmost dispatch.
While he speaks of the need for Americans to move beyond partisanship (“We are not blue states or red states, but the United States” is a campaign meme), when you cut through the verbiage there is nothing to suggest he believes anything that is seriously at odds with the far Left of his party. If you think about it for a second, it's not really an accident that he has been endorsed by the likes of Ted Kennedy and Jesse Jackson.
Though he talks with great eloquence about the future, he sounds for all the world like one of the long line of Democrats from George McGovern to Walter Mondale to Michael Dukakis, who became history by espousing policies and striking a rhetorical pose that was well out of the mainstream of American politics.
America is certainly moving left in the post-George Bush era. The long period of conservative ascendancy is clearly over, buried by a Republican Party of recent years that has preached intolerance and practised incompetence. That a new era in American politics is beginning is not in doubt. But are Americans really ready to leap all the way across in one go to embrace a European-style Left?
Please don't compare the US to Europe. We should be so lucky to have a society like theirs.
Sonny, Toronto, Canada
Mike is spot on. Having lived through a three decades old liberal disaster in India, I can see it coming here in America. Out here in San Francisco, you hear the loons all the time. I am going back to India before it happens. Sanity has returned to that country.
Kishore Jethanandani, San Francisco, California
Greetings, My sister-in -law is proud to be an American at all times. She also thinks Elvis is alive and living in Vegas. For many, many of us, patriotic pride in our country has been tempered by years of embarrassment. permanence of the national ideal.
"A mass delusion that Obama is forthrightly engaging the nation's major problems when, so far, he isn't."
Instead, Obama pledges not to raise the retirement age and to "protect Social Security benefits for current and future beneficiaries." This isn't "change"; it's sanctification of the status quo. He would also exempt all retirees making less than $50,000 annually from income tax. By his math, that would provide average tax relief of $1,400 to 7 million retirees -- shifting more of the tax burden onto younger workers. Obama's main proposal for Social Security is to raise the payroll tax beyond the present $102,000 ceiling.
"You are a Barack supporter, right?
Thursday, February 21, 2008
All Hat and No Cattle
"Words are important and words matter but actions speak louder than words," she said.
Obama agreed with that, then noted that Clinton lately had been urging voters to turn against him by saying, "let's get real."
"And the implication is that the people who've been voting for me or are involved in my campaign are somehow delusional," Obama said.
Clinton also raised Obama's use in his campaign speeches of words first uttered by his friend, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.
"If your candidacy is going to be about words then they should be your own words," she said. "...Lifting whole passages from someone else's speeches is not change you can believe in, it's change you can Xerox."
Hillary Wins Another!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Spouses Are Not On the Ballot - So Be Quiet
Monday, February 18, 2008
Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass): '...When Sen. Obama uses [those words] and doesn't credit their origin, those same words seem less inspiring'...
Obama Adviser Responds: Obama and Patrick are friends who 'share thoughts on ideas and language'; Clinton's campaign 'grasping at straws'... Developing...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Time for Barack To Bow Out
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I'd Prefer If Sen. Clinton's Name Was On This List A Little More Often
Clinton, Hillary
Obama, Barack
Clinton, Hillary
Clinton, Hillary
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte
Obama, Barack
DNC Services Corp
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Clinton, Hillary
Obama, Barack
Biden, Joseph R Jr
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Obama, Barack
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte
First Pimp
Big Talker's Not So High Flying Off The Cuff
Finally the press is starting to notice the guy is see-through, just like his teleprompters...
The pressing question that Obama's decidedly uninspiring Jefferson-Jackson oratory raises is which Obama is the real Obama--the one who read beautifully crafted words from a Teleprompter after his victory in Iowa, or the tediously angry liberal who improvised in Virginia?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Don't you understand that Obama and McCain share the same voters?
Hannity & Gingrich, Conservatives In “Exile”
Another day, another whine from conservative talk radio. Hannity and Speaker Newt Gringrich were talking today about how they are now “conservatives in exile” - which means they no longer consider themselves Republicans. Clearly they see something not apparent to the rest of regarding the fortunes of the hyper-right in this nation. Why else basically declare they have been defeated in terms of dictating the path of the GOP? Why go in ‘exile’ unless it is clear that they have destroyed their cause and no longer represent the formative views of the GOP?
When did we get so P.C. that we couldn't state the truth?... Even when it turns out to be true?
"You've got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate," Rendell told the editorial board of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in remarks that appeared in Tuesday's paper.
To buttress his point, Rendell cited his 2006 re-election campaign, in which he defeated Republican challenger Lynn Swann, the former Pittsburgh Steelers star, by a margin of more than 60 percent to less than 40 percent.
"I believe, looking at the returns in my election, that had Lynn Swann been the identical candidate that he was — well-spoken, charismatic, good-looking — but white instead of black, instead of winning by 22 points, I would have won by 17 or so," he said. "And that (attitude) exists. But on the other hand, that is counterbalanced by Obama's ability to bring new voters into the electoral pool."
Rendell, chairman of the Democratic National Committee in 2000 and previously Philadelphia's mayor, endorsed Clinton on Jan. 23.
Pennsylvania holds its primary April 22.
Several figures in Clinton's campaign, including her husband, the former president, have been criticized in recent weeks for raising Obama's race. In response, Bill Clinton has said he will stick to promoting his wife, rather than defending her.
Later Tuesday, Rendell's spokesman said the governor did not mean to offend anyone.
"He was simply making an observation about the unfortunate nature of some parts of American society," said spokesman Chuck Ardo. "He wasn't being critical, he wasn't making accusations, but just being realistic."
Thursday, February 7, 2008
A Message To Conservative Republicans...
Republicans Crossing Hill?
Louisiana - Caucus (2/9). Deadline (1/11).
Nebraska - Primary (5/13 *). Deadline (Second Friday before an election, 5/2).
Pennsylvania - Primary (4/22). Deadline (30 Days - 3/23).
Rhode Island - Primary (3/4). Deadline (30 Days - 2/3).
Washington - Open Caucus (2/9) & Primary (2/19). This is a two step process. Deadline (30 Days via mail or online, 15 Days in Person Friday, 1/25).
West Virginia -Closed Primary (18 Delegates at the State Convention on 2/5 (ask the state party for details), 12 Delegates for the 5/13 Primary).
Deadline (21 days to register or change your party to Republican - 4/22 for the Primary).
Wisconsin - Open Primary (2/19). Deadline (The day before or the day of at your polling precinct).
Wyoming - Caucus (3/8).
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Sea To Shining Sea
Last night was a big night. Big for the good guys, er, in this case the good girl. That's right, America's Senator proved to be more of a queen of hearts in her stunning, staggering vanquishment of her opponent in all the states that mattered. I mean, let's look back: Senator Barack H. Obama thinks he's really going to pick up Idaho or Utah in the general? Give me an Oprah-sized break.
Let's just look at the numbers if you're still confused...
Clinton: 50.2% (7,347,971)
Obama: 49.8% (7,294,851)
California, we love you.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Cheaters Never Win(frey)
"She just kind of stood there and then as soon as I got to vote she left and she said, 'I'll call you later to make sure that you voted.' And probably about an hour later I was sitting at my desk and she called my cell phone," Waymire told WLS, adding that she voted for Obama.
Frustrated, Disenfranchised Millionaires
Home Girl
Maybe This Ruse Worked
Clinton chairman: Obama would be good running mate
Posted: 09:30 PM ET
(CNN) — One of Hillary Clinton's top advisers said Monday Barack Obama could make a good running mate if the New York senator is the Democratic Party's nominee.
Appearing on NY1's "Inside City Hall," Clinton Campaign Chairman Terry McAuliffe praised Barack Obama’s ability to “excite people,” adding that Clinton “needs to make sure the next, whoever the next vice president is, could take over if anything happened to her” — though he said it was too early to seriously discuss potential vice presidential picks.
When he was asked directly whether adding Obama to a Clinton ticket would be a good idea, he responded: “Sure it would. Absolutely. How could you deny consideration of someone who has excited so many people?”
NY1 is owned by Time Warner, the parent company of CNN.
At CNN's debate in Los Angeles Thursday, both candidates were asked about the possibility of a joint ticket, regardless of who held the top spot – a suggestion that prompted cheering from the audience. Both suggested it was too early to discuss potential running mates.
–CNN's Alexander Mooney
I'm Calling It
These states should NOT be too close to call right now.
Consider them hers.