Sunday, March 30, 2008

Leave Em' Laughin' Leahy

It came to light today that a dear colleague of America's Senator has turned against her. This is obviously a petty partisan play by Senator Patrick Leahy to get some of the left-over ink after Bill Richardson shot his mouth off a week ago. So look for Leahy to run to head up the DNC or more likely the Senatorial Committee next round.

But is this the face of the party we want out there? We've got better liberals in Vermont, much less the whole party. And when people find out the kind of business he got into on the Smithsonian Board...
Join Hillary.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

He sure says "you know" a lot.

Excerpted from Politico with my comments italicized.

In an interview in conjunction with his big economic speech in New York, Senator Obama tells CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo he favors increasing the capital-gains tax rate. Bartiromo reported after her interview: “Right now, as you know, the cap gains tax is at 15 percent. He has yet to give us a specific number. How high he wants that number to go? He has said, and he told me today, that he won't go above 28 percent. So we are talking about the possibility of a doubling in the capital gains tax. He was averaging at about 25 percent.”

Why is this news? This was part of the economic plan in the first Clinton Admistration, and obviously raising capital gains taxes is big on the Hillary to-do list.

Sen. OBAMA: It is true that I think that having the minimum wage go up every 10 years is a bad idea and it's not good for small businesses...

What? This guy may drinking the Republican Kool-Aid but America's Senator knows that in so many instances it's the minimum wage that keeps folks on the assembly line and off the bread line.

Sen. OBAMA: ...the cap and trade system that I've proposed to deal with climate change and to increase energy independence. That potentially generates billions of dollars that we can reinvest in solar, wind, biodiesel, creating jobs here in America that can't be exported.

Oh please, if you remember back, it was Hillary who came up with the term, Green Collar Jobs.

Sen. OBAMA: And if you talk to any executive, as well as any actuary who's looking at government spending, our biggest crisis looming in the horizon has to do with our health care costs. And the only way to really solve it long term is to make sure that we are making for a healthier America and improving the quality of care so that we get more bang for our health care dollar.

Two things. First, our nation's health care future isn't a crisis, it's an opportunity. It's an opportunity to invest in America. If we just take the money people don't need for their own health care, and put it into the hands of people who do need help with their health costs, then we can save America. For all of us. Second, he talks about getting more bang for our health care buck, but the truth is that his plan would leave millions of people behind. Millions of hopes and dreams. Millions of Americans. Millions of voters. If you don't want to be one of those millions, vote for Hillary.

Sen. OBAMA: I am concerned about NAFTA because they don't have the environmental and labor protections written into this legislation that ensure some basic standards, make sure that child labor laws aren't being circumvented, making sure that you don't have forced labor. I think it is important in our dealings with China to make sure that we are tougher bargainers.

Barry, baby, China is in Asia. The NA in NAFTA stands for North American. Oh, and by the way, real brave stand against forced child labor. Did your Obama girl fall for that? Speaking of the Obama girl...

BARTIROMO: And this is just in the news right now, away from business, the church bulletins. A lot of people say that they were--are anti-Semitic, anti-American. How often did you read them? Did you find them troubling?
Sen. OBAMA: You know, the--you know, I've, I think, talked thoroughly about, you know, the issue with Reverend Wright. And, you know, everybody, I think, who examines the church that I attend knows that it is a very traditional, conventional church. Reverend Wright has made some, you know, troubling statements and some appalling statements that I have condemned. He's the former pastor of that church.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Typical Black Person

Sound racist?

Probably so. It's not my intent though, because I'm a liberal and racism is wrong. Heck, I actually feel uncomfortable when the word 'black' is used at all. But I'm just trying to make a point here. Let's turn the wayback machine to the 1970s when young Barry Obama lived in Hawai'i...

Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham (born October 1922) is the maternal grandmother of Barack Obama. She raised Senator Obama from age 10 in her Honolulu, Hawaii high-rise apartment, where she still lives today. In his book, Obama described his grandmother as "suspicious of overwrought sentiments or overblown claims, content with common sense." She is said to have been "quiet yet firm", in contrast to Obama's "boisterous" grandfather Stanley. Obama considered his grandmother "a trailblazer of sorts, the first woman vice-president of a local bank."

But one fateful day waiting for the bus which she rode to the bank everyday...

"I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother - a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe." -Barry, March 18, 2008 in a speech on race relations and in defense of his Pastor Jeremiah Wright.

He even expounded on this remark 2 days later...

"The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity - she doesn't. But she is a typical white person, who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know...there's a reaction that's been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that's just the nature of race in our society."

But wait, years earlier, in his first autobiography, published in 1995 when he was 34, he told of that bus stop incident in his grandmother's own words...

"Her lips pursed with irritation. 'He was very aggressive, Barry. Very aggressive. I gave him a dollar and he kept asking. If the bus hadn't come, I think he might have hit me over the head."

So no, she didn't confess her fear of a black guy who passed her on the street, but instead by an aggressive beggar who confronted her, demanded money, and then gave her reason to believe he would have gotten violent if she'd been at the bus stop alone with him any longer.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Speaking of Change...

On Dec. 12, 2002, Obama, then serving as an Illinois state senator and filling in as host of the Cliff Kelley radio show on WVON, challenged the Republican Party to demand Lott's resignation.

"It seems to be that we can forgive a 100-year-old senator for some of the indiscretion of his youth, but, what is more difficult to forgive is the current president of the U.S. Senate (Lott) suggesting we had been better off if we had followed a segregationist path in this country after all of the battles and fights for civil rights and all the work that we still have to do," said Obama.

He added: "The Republican Party itself has to drive out Trent Lott. If they have to stand for something, they have to stand up and say this is not the person we want representing our party."


"The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation. When these statements first came to my attention, it was at the beginning of my presidential campaign. I made it clear at the time that I strongly condemned his comments. But because Rev. Wright was on the verge of retirement, and because of my strong links to the Trinity faith community, where I married my wife and where my daughters were baptized, I did not think it appropriate to leave the church."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

And This Guy Is Supporting Him...

Wright's Rantings Won't Sink Obama

Will the Gospel According to Jeremiah Wright sink the Obama candidacy? Not very likely.
Let's start with two basic facts:

(b) Wright's rantings are not reflective of Obama's views on anything. Why did he stay in the church? Because he's a black Chicago politician who comes from a mixed marriage and went to Columbia and Harvard. Suspected of not being black enough or sufficiently tied to the minority community, he needed the networking opportunities Wright afforded him in his church to get elected. If he had not risen to the top of Chicago black politics, we would never have heard of him. But obviously, he can't say that. So what should he say?

He needs to get out of this mess with subtlety, the kind Bill Clinton should have used to escape the Monica Lewinsky scandal -- but didn't. As the controversy continues, Americans will gradually realize that Obama stuck by Wright as part of a need to get ahead. They will chalk up to pragmatism why he was so close to such a preacher. As they come to realize that Obama doesn't agree with Wright but used him to get started, they will be more forgiving.

But if he handles the situation with subtlety and lets what he cannot say -- that it was opportunism that led him to stay in that church -- sink in among the electorate, he can and will survive this battle.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Regarding Hillary's advisor, Geraldine Ferraro: In the first interview with the Daily Breeze of Torrance, Ferraro had said, "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color), he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."
This caused a firestorm on cable TV news shows and at political blogs. But the Breeze reported late today that "far from backing off from her initial remark, Ferraro defended it and elaborated on it."
Ferraro told the paper: "Any time anybody does anything that in any way pulls this campaign down and says let's address reality and the problems we're facing in this world, you're accused of being racist, so you have to shut up. Racism works in two different directions. I really think they're attacking me because I'm white. How's that?"
The article continued: "Ferraro said she was simply stating an obvious truth, as seen in exit polls that show Obama taking as much as 80 percent of the black vote in the Democratic primaries. 'In all honesty, do you think that if he were a white male, there would be a reason for the black community to get excited for a historic first?' Ferraro said. 'Am I pointing out something that doesn't exist?'"

Regarding Barry's advisor, Rev. Wright: The fracas started Thursday morning, when ABC’s “Good Morning America” ran a Brian Ross expose on Wright that included old video of him saying: “The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God bless America’? No, no, no. Not God bless America. God [expletive] America.”
"We've got more black men in prison than there are in college," he began. "Racism is alive and well. Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run. No black man will ever be considered for president, no matter how hard you run Jesse [Jackson] and no black woman can ever be considered for anything outside what she can give with her body."

Mr. Wright thundered on: "America is still the No. 1 killer in the world. . . . We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns, and the training of professional killers. . . We bombed Cambodia, Iraq and Nicaragua, killing women and children while trying to get public opinion turned against Castro and Ghadhafi . . . We put [Nelson] Mandela in prison and supported apartheid the whole 27 years he was there. We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God."

His voice rising, Mr. Wright said, "We supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians and branding anybody who spoke out against it as being anti-Semitic. . . . We care nothing about human life if the end justifies the means. . . ."

Concluding, Mr. Wright said: "We started the AIDS virus . . . We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty. . . ."

Blacker Than Ever

Black presidential-candidate B. Hussein Obama today gave quite a speech concerning, if you listen to the TV news, race. They point to his ability to "stand up for" the struggles of black people who have faced racism head-on. And likewise, they drool over his "understanding" of white folks' distrust and resentment of a people who may seem to get all the breaks in hiring, public assistance, college admission, whatever. And he denounced those who would continue to draw lines, to separate people by color, to think of their fellow Americans as anything but brothers and sisters. These are the people who are the scourge of American society. These are the people who have walked among us for too long.

But guess what he didn't denounce. That's right, his racist anti-Semitic preacher. This guy is an embarrassment to America's greatness. Hey, I learned Oprah used to go to this church but she stopped attending. I wonder why? Better yet, I wonder why this guy who's so big on change was willing to just sit there in his favorite pew and let his little daughters hear this venom coming from the pulpit. Which one is the real Obama?

I guess there's good news for B. H. O. in all this: At least now folks might stop saying he's a Muslim.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I Just Got Chills

Someone posted a HillaryYouth rally on YouTube! I guess we're pretty much stars now! Every American needs to watch this 10 times. Hat tip to my buddy two states away for clueing me in. This was really the greatest day. I'm gonna watch it again...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I've been asked by a diehard HillaryYouth supporter to "tout these diehard Hillary supporters at Hillary Youth." I do so proudly. Hopefully they'll show me the same kindness.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

No More Barry Jumpin on the Bed

Franken, Al

Franken, Al

More People Who Will Not Be Jumping on the Lincoln Bed

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte

Franken, Al

Franken, Al

Directors Guild of America




Clinton, Hillary

Obama, Barack

Obama, Barack

Franken, Al

Franken, Al

These friends of mine

Visit these brothers and sisters of mine out there in the wild wild web if you get time. They're on our page when it comes to supporting the next president, America's greatest Senator, and the person more qualified than any other person ever to sit in that Oval Office:

And if you go to the forum, apparently you can get a t-shirt. Neat huh?

Oh, and tell 'em HillaryYouth sent ya!

Obama Stoops To New Low

There's an anti-American Progress website out there that only serves as a repeater in the echo chamber of right-wing red America. In other words, nobody reads it. Except, we discovered today, Senator B. Hussein Obama's foreign policy advisor. He, or someone using his name, posted this ridiculous trite today...

Obama Foreign Policy Memo
To: Interested Parties
From: Greg Craig, former director, Policy Planning Office, U.S. State Department
RE: Senator Clinton’s claim to be experienced in foreign policy: Just words?
DA: March 11, 2008

When your entire campaign is based upon a claim of experience, it is important that you have evidence to support that claim. Hillary Clinton’s argument that she has passed “the Commander- in-Chief test” is simply not supported by her record.

There is no doubt that Hillary Clinton played an important domestic policy role when she was First Lady. It is well known, for example, that she led the failed effort to pass universal health insurance. There is no reason to believe, however, that she was a key player in foreign policy at any time during the Clinton Administration. She did not sit in on National Security Council meetings. She did not have a security clearance. She did not attend meetings in the Situation Room. She did not manage any part of the national security bureaucracy, nor did she have her own national security staff. She did not do any heavy-lifting with foreign governments, whether they were friendly or not. She never managed a foreign policy crisis, and there is no evidence to suggest that she participated in the decision-making that occurred in connection with any such crisis. As far as the record shows, Senator Clinton never answered the phone either to make a decision on any pressing national security issue – not at 3 AM or at any other time of day.

When asked to describe her experience, Senator Clinton has cited a handful of international incidents where she says she played a central role. But any fair-minded and objective judge of these claims – i.e., by someone not affiliated with the Clinton campaign – would conclude that Senator Clinton’s claims of foreign policy experience are exaggerated.

Northern Ireland:
Senator Clinton has said, “I helped to bring peace to Northern Ireland.” It is a gross overstatement of the facts for her to claim even partial credit for bringing peace to Northern Ireland. She did travel to Northern Ireland, it is true. First Ladies often travel to places that are a focus of U.S. foreign policy. But at no time did she play any role in the critical negotiations that ultimately produced the peace. As the Associated Press recently reported, “[S]he was not directly involved in negotiating the Good Friday peace accord.” With regard to her main claim that she helped bring women together, she did participate in a meeting with women, but, according to those who know best, she did not play a pivotal role. The person in charge of the negotiations, former Senator George Mitchell, said that “[The First Lady] was one of many people who participated in encouraging women to get involved, not the only one.”
News of Senator Clinton’s claims has raised eyebrows across the ocean. Her reference to an important meeting at the Belfast town hall was debunked. Her only appearance at the Belfast City Hall was to see Christmas lights turned on. She also attended a 50-minute meeting which, according to the Belfast Daily Telegraph’s report at the time, “[was] a little bit stilted, a little prepared at times.” Brian Feeney, an Irish author and former politician, sums it up: “The road to peace was carefully documented, and she wasn’t on it.”

Senator Clinton has pointed to a March 1996 trip to Bosnia as proof that her foreign travel involved a life-risking mission into a war zone. She has described dodging sniper fire. While she did travel to Bosnia in March 1996, the visit was not a high-stakes mission to a war zone. On March 26, 1996, the New York Times reported that “Hillary Rodham Clinton charmed American troops at a U.S.O. show here, but it didn’t hurt that the singer Sheryl Crow and the comedian Sinbad were also on the stage.”

Senator Clinton has said, “I negotiated open borders to let fleeing refugees into safety from Kosovo.” It is true that, as First Lady, she traveled to Macedonia and visited a Kosovar refugee camp. It is also true that she met with government officials while she was there. First Ladies frequently meet with government officials. Her claim to have “negotiated open borders to let fleeing refugees into safety from Kosovo,” however, is not true. Her trip to Macedonia took place on May 14, 1999. The borders were opened the day before, on May 13, 1999.
The negotiations that led to the opening of the borders were accomplished by the people who ordinarily conduct negotiations with foreign governments – U.S. diplomats. President Clinton’s top envoy to the Balkans, former Ambassador Robert Gelbard, said, “I cannot recall any involvement by Senator Clinton in this issue.” Ivo Daalder worked on the Clinton Administration’s National Security Council and wrote a definitive history of the Kosovo conflict. He recalls that “she had absolutely no role in the dirty work of negotiations.”

Last year, former President Clinton asserted that his wife pressed him to intervene with U.S. troops to stop the Rwandan genocide. When asked about this assertion, Hillary Clinton said it was true. There is no evidence, however, to suggest that this ever happened. Even those individuals who were advocating a much more robust U.S. effort to stop the genocide did not argue for the use of U.S. troops. No one recalls hearing that Hillary Clinton had any interest in this course of action. Based on a fair and thorough review of National Security Council deliberations during those tragic months, there is no evidence to suggest that U.S. military intervention was ever discussed. Prudence Bushnell, the Assistant Secretary of State with responsibility for Africa, has recalled that there was no consideration of U.S. military intervention.

At no time prior to her campaign for the presidency did Senator Clinton ever make the claim that she supported intervening militarily to stop the Rwandan genocide. It is noteworthy that she failed to mention this anecdote – urging President Clinton to intervene militarily in Rwanda – in her memoirs. President Clinton makes no mention of such a conversation with his wife in his memoirs. And Madeline Albright, who was Ambassador to the United Nations at the time, makes no mention of any such event in her memoirs.

Hillary Clinton did visit Rwanda in March 1998 and, during that visit, her husband apologized for America’s failure to do more to prevent the genocide.

Senator Clinton also points to a speech that she delivered in Beijing in 1995 as proof of her ability to answer a 3 AM crisis phone call. It is strange that Senator Clinton would base her own foreign policy experience on a speech that she gave over a decade ago, since she so frequently belittles Barack Obama’s speeches opposing the Iraq War six years ago. Let there be no doubt: she gave a good speech in Beijing, and she stood up for women’s rights. But Senator Obama’s opposition to the War in Iraq in 2002 is relevant to the question of whether he, as Commander-in-Chief, will make wise judgments about the use of military force. Senator Clinton’s speech in Beijing is not…

The Clinton campaign’s argument is nothing more than mere assertion, dramatized in a scary television commercial with a telephone ringing in the middle of the night. There is no support for or substance in the claim that Senator Clinton has passed “the Commander-in-Chief test.” That claim – as the TV ad – consists of nothing more than making the assertion, repeating it frequently to the voters and hoping that they will believe it…

Barack Obama does not use false charges and exaggerated claims to play politics with national security.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Just thought you Husseiniacs should know whose side you are on

Brzezinski currently lives in the suburbs of Washington, D.C. He is married to internationally recognized sculptor Emilie Anna Benes (grandniece of Czechoslovakia’s former president Edvard Beneš) and has three children. Ian is Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Europe and NATO. Mark is a partner in McGuire Woods LLP, Washington, D.C., and a foreign policy advisor to Barack Obama. His daughter Mika is a reporter who is currently the co-host and news reader on Morning Joe on MSNBC.

Brzezinski has endorsed the presidential campaign of Senator Barack Obama.

Major foreign policy events during his term of office included the normalization of relations with the People's Republic of China (and the severing of ties with the Republic of China), the signing of the second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II), the brokering of the Camp David Accords, the transition of Iran to an anti-Western Islamic state, encouraging reform in Eastern Europe, emphasizing human rights in U.S. foreign policy, the arming of the mujaheddin in Afghanistan[2] to fight against the Soviet-friendly Afghan government and later to counter the Soviet invasion, and the signing of the Torrijos-Carter Treaties relinquishing U.S. control of the Panama Canal after 1999.

Associated Press still attacking Hillary

In what can only be called an October Surprise in March, the Barack Obama campaign, with the clear and obvious assistance of the Associated Press, has really turned nasty.

The quote was painless, it was candidate-Clinton sort of talking out her feelings about a couple of states' inability to vote statewide for a woman. Here's her actual quote from the Des Moines Register:

"How can Iowa be ranked with Mississippi? That's not what I see. That's not the quality. That's not the communitarianism; that's not the openness I see in Iowa."

Now reading that sentence without all of the noise and hullabaloo to cut through, it is obvious that she didn't mean that Iowa should vote for her so as to not be as backward as Mississippi. I mean, she wasn't saying that the Southern state is backward or racist or misogynistic at all. That would be a little too stereotypically insensitive, especially since the accusation is a) not true, and b) just dumb to say about people who will later be voting for you. She's just saying that they need to vote for more women. Here, I'll let her speak for herself, which she did in a Mississippi radio interview:

"What I said is what I learned is that neither Iowa or Mississippi had ever elected a woman statewide and I referenced the fact that I was the first woman elected statewide in New York and I told the Iowans that they had a chance to try to change that and now in Mississippi [I'm] giving Mississippi voters a chance to change that," Clinton said in the radio interview.

Clinton said she was surprised that "neither Iowa nor Mississippi has broken through to being able to elect a woman statewide."

"You know there's a lot of strong women from both those states, and it's time that women had a chance to have full equality in the political process. It didn't happen in Iowa, it hasn't happened in Mississippi. and it's time that it be changed," she said.

Now, to be fair, I should point out that Mississippi has elected several women to statewide office including two lieutenant governors. But of course they haven't elected a female governor or member of Congress, and this is most certainly what the next President meant when she asked "How can Iowa be ranked with Mississippi?"

With him as an enemy, she must be doing something right.

"A few weeks ago, I started to feel sorry for her. Oh Christ, let her win already...Who cares...It's not worth it. There's not that much difference between them. She can have it. Anything to avoid watching her descend into madness. So I switched. I started rooting for her. It wasn't that hard. Compromise comes easy to me. I was on board."

He claims his "blog," note from a liberal insomniac, is funny. Back to him:

"There have been times in this campaign when she seemed so unhinged that I worried she'd actually kill herself if she lost. Every day, she reminds me more and more of Adele H., who also had an obsession that drove her insane.

"I watched, transfixed, as she took the 3 a.m. call...and I was afraid...very afraid. Suddenly, I realized the last thing this country needs is that woman anywhere near a phone. I don't care if it's 3 a.m. or 10 p.m. or any other time. I don't want her talking to Putin, I don't want her talking to Kim Jong II, I don't want her talking to my nephew." (posted by Daniel Finkelstein on March 7, 2008)

If only Larry David would take his own advice.

Hillary for Peace Prize!

Mrs Clinton has made Northern Ireland key to her claims of having extensive foreign policy experience, which helped her defeat Barack Obama in Ohio and Texas on Tuesday after she presented herself as being ready to tackle foreign policy crises at 3am.

"I helped to bring peace to Northern Ireland," she told CNN on Wednesday.

"I actually went to Northern Ireland more than my husband did," she said in Nashua, New Hampshire on January 6th.

"I remember a meeting that I pulled together in Belfast, in the town hall there, bringing together for the first time Catholics and Protestants from both traditions, having them sitting a room where they had never been before with each other because they don’t go to school together, they don’t live together and it was only in large measure because I really asked them to come that they were there.

"And I wasn’t sure it was going to be very successful and finally a Catholic woman on one side of the table said, ’You know, every time my husband leaves for work in the morning I worry he won’t come home at night.

"And then a Protestant woman on the other side said, ’Every time my son tries to go out at night I worry he won’t come home again’. And suddenly instead of seeing each other as caricatures and stereotypes they saw each other as human beings and the slow, hard work of peace-making could move forward."

Among those attending were women from groups representing single parents, relationship counsellors, youth workers and a cultural society. In her 2003 autobiography "Living History", Mrs Clinton wrote about the meeting in some detail.

The "Belfast Telegraph" reported the next day that the café meeting was crammed with reporters, cameramen and Secret Service agents. Conversation "seemed a little... bit stilted... at times" and Mrs Clinton admired a stainless steel tea pot, which was duly given to her, for keeping the brew "so nice and hot".

Conall McDevitt, an SDLP negotiator and aide to Nobel Peace Prize winner John Hume during the talks said: "I’ve always had a theory that... [Mrs Clinton] was an ideal focus point." Once a peace deal was in place, Mrs Clinton supported women politicians and was always available if they visited Washington "to give them a pat on the back, give them moral support", he added. "So in a classic woman politicky sort of way I think she was active...She was certainly investing some time, no doubt about it."

During Bill Clinton’s last visit to Northern Ireland [in December 2000]... she [even] hugged and kissed [Sinn Fein leaders] Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness."

Responding to inquiries from this newspaper, Hillary Clinton’s campaign issued a statement: "I can state from firsthand experience that she played a positive role for over a decade in helping to bring peace to Northern Ireland. She visited Northern Ireland, met with very many people and gave very decisive support to the peace process.

"There is no doubt that the people of Northern Ireland think very positively of Hillary Clinton’s support for our peace process, due to her visits to Northern Ireland and her meetings with so many people. In private she made countless calls and contacts, speaking to leaders and opinion makers on all sides, urging them to keep moving forward."

Tuesday, March 4, 2008



*CLINTON 716,912 58%

OBAMA 496,181 40%

He doesn't have legs.

This should've been it for Barry.

The results are not in. The two large states have not been called. No one knows how the delegate counts will wind up. But with all of that said, Barack should be winning huge right now. But he's not.
I have to reiterate my call for Senator Obama to bow out.

Let's think about it. First, Senator Obama has ridden a wave of young people's political action. That's not something we can count on in the general. Second, if this were any other year the Florida and Michigan delegates would've been counted (and still may), which means Senator Obama would be through now anyway. Third, Hillary has an almost 50% disapproval number and is now lending her campaign money. So even if Senator Obama does eventually win (he won't), he's going to look like a weak, also-ran by limping out of this close-call race. The money, the minorities, and the press are all on his side, yet he's working as hard as he can to get 50.1%? It shouldn't in a million years be this close. But still it is. Why?

Because the guy is weak.

Step away Senator. This isn't your fight anymore.

Hillary in "The Hill"

Clinton cries foul in Texas; Obama lawyer hijacks call
By Sam Youngman
Posted: 03/04/08 09:10 PM [ET]

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s (D-N.Y.) campaign charged rival Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.) campaign with breaking several rules in the Texas caucuses.

The Clinton campaign called an “emergency” conference call with reporters that was interrupted by Obama’s chief counsel Bob Bauer, who called in and said the Clinton campaign only criticized the caucus process when it was losing.

With Clinton facing what many consider must-win scenarios in both Ohio and Texas and both races too-close-to-call, the Clinton campaign charged that the Obama campaign had shut the doors on Clinton supporters at some of the caucuses, among other things.

The campaign also said the Obama camp had hijacked some of the caucus packets at certain precincts, adding that in others Obama supporters were calling in caucus results before the polls had closed.

Ace Smith, Clinton’s Texas campaign director, said the state party’s election hotline was jammed, and the Clinton campaign was receiving “hundreds of complaints.”
“This is just truly outrageous behavior,” Smith said. “It’s really disturbing, and it’s really undemocratic what’s going on.”

Clinton’s attorney said on the call that “all options are open at this point” when asked about the possibility of seeking a legal remedy to the campaign’s concerns.Bauer’s presence on the call came as a surprise as he and Howard Wolfson, Clinton’s communications director, went round and round. Wolfson repeatedly asked Bauer and the Obama campaign to ensure that all votes in Texas are counted as Bauer impugned the Clinton campaign’s “attacking the caucus process.”


I'm disgusted with the political process tonight. Tonight was my opportunity to vote twice for the next president of the United States. I was early, I was determined, I was not deterred. But that's not to say it wasn't it was simple to walk into this "Obama show" and do my civic duty.

First, as friends of this site will know, I live and work in Austin, Texas - a deep blue city in a red state. Here in Texas we have what they call the Texas two-step - which means we have both a primary vote and a caucus vote after the polls are closed.

So primary voting was no problem.

But when it came time to vote in the "convention," as the Texas caucus is called, Hillary voters were obstructed by Obama voters at every turn. I mean literally.

The tables were set up out in the yard of the church because, we were told, there "wasn't enough room for everyone to sign in" in this room in which we were all standing. Seemed odd, but we went with it. Then we found out that two tables in the front were Obama tables, so to get to the Hillary table we had to push through the admittedly large crowds gathering at the front two tables. It got so bad that some voters just left (They went to "get cupcakes" and to "get Homeslice pizza," respectably.) before they ever tried to sign in.

Next, the fellow who was in charge of the proceedings was in an Obama t-shirt, standing in his chair at the Obama sign-in table. He was also the leader of the "fire it up! Ready to go!" chant. Yes, the guy who was directing the voting proceedings was instructing the crowd in the unofficial Obama chant.

I didn't know that was allowed.

Finally, hen they thought every Hillary person had gone, he made a final announcement. He said that the big majority of people who had signed up to be delegates were Hillary people, and this concerned him greatly. It concerned to the degree that he downplayed any responsibility of the delegates to the point where his request for Obama delegates instead meant that "we really just need somebody." That's not a great legitimization of the process or the Party, in my opinion.

But anyway, I got my votes in, and I feel good for our girl.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Warren Buffett says "No you can't."

Warren Buffett said on Monday that he would not be comfortable putting Democrat presidential candidate Senator Barack H. Obama in charge of running his Berkshire Hathaway Inc. insurance and investment company.

Buffett has said he plans to support the Democratic Party in the 2008 elections, as it seeks to retake the White House, but he has not yet endorsed Clinton for the presidency.

See the story here.